|—-Learn C# (LINK)
|—-Hello World
|—-Hello World
|—-Project: Console Creatures
|—-Article: Go Off-Platform with C#
|—-Data Types and Variables
|—-Data Types and Variables
|—-Working with Numbers
|—-Working with Text
|—-Project: Mad Libs
|—-Project: Money Maker
|—-Logic and Conditionals
|—-Understanding Logic in C#
|—-Conditional Statements
|—-Project: Password Checker
|—-Project: Choose Your Own Adventure
|—-Method Calls and Input
|—-Method Output
|—-Quiz: C# Methods
|—-Project: Architect Arithmetic
|—-Project: Exquisite Corpse
|—-Alternate Expressions
|—-Arrays and Loops
|—-Project: Caesar Cipher
|—-Project: True or False
|—-Classes and Objects
|—-Basic Classes and Objects
|—-Static Members
|—-Project: The Object of Your Affection
|—-Interfaces and Inheritance
|—-Project: App Interfaces
|—-Project: Supernatural Inheritance
|—-Reference Fundamentals
|—-The Object Class
|—-String, The Exception
|—-Project: Rover Control Center
|—-Lists and LINQ
|—-Project: Programming Languages
|—- Learn ASP.NET(LINK)
|—-Make Your First ASP.NET App
|—-Article: What is ASP.NET Razor Pages?
|—-Article: Getting Started with ASP.NET and Visual Studio
|—-ASP.NET: Razor Syntax
|—-Lesson: Razor Pages Syntax I
|—-Lesson: Razor Pages Syntax II
|—-QUIZ: Learn C#: Razor Syntax
|—-Article: Add a Razor Page in Visual Studio
|—-ASP.NET: Page Models
|—-Lesson: Page Model Basics
|—-Lesson: Routing
|—-Lesson: Redirection
|—-QUIZ: Page Models Quiz
|—-ASP.NET: Databases
|—-Lesson: Data Projects
|—-Lesson: Data Models
|—-Lesson: Data Edits
|—-Lesson: Data Validation
|—-Lesson: Data with LINQ
|—-QUIZ: Data Tools and Entity Framework
|—-QUIZ: Data Validation and LINQ
|—-Article: Add a Database and Scaffold Pages in Visual Studio
|—-ASP.NET: Middleware
|—-Lesson: Introduction To ASP.NET Middleware
|—-QUIZ: Intro To ASP.NET Middleware
|—-Lesson: Built-in ASP.NET Middleware
|—-QUIZ: Built-In Middleware for ASP.NET
|—-ASP.NET: Dependency Injection
|—-Lesson: Dependency Injection
|—-QUIZ: Dependency Injection Quiz
|—-Learn Node.js (LINK)
|—-What is the Back-End?
|—-Lesson: What is the Back-end?
|—-Article: JavaScript for Node.js
|—-Article: What Is JSON?
|—-Introduction to Node.js
|—-Lesson: Introduction to Node.js
|—-Article: Setting Up Node Locally
|—-Article: Node Package Manager
|—-Article: Implementing Modules in Node
|—-External Resource: Node Modules
|—-Quiz: Introduction to Node.js
|—-Node.js Essentials
|—-Lesson: Node.js Essentials
|—-Project: Message Mixer
|—-Quiz: Node.js Essentials
|—-Setting up a Server with HTTP
|—-Lesson: Setting up a Server with HTTP
|—-Article: What is REST?
|—-Project: Rock-Paper-Scissors
|—-Quiz: Setting up a Server with HTTP
|—-Next Steps
|—-Article: Learn Node.js: Next Steps
|—-Learn Express (LINK)
|—-Lesson: Learn Express Routes?
|—-Lesson: Learn Express Routers?
|—-Lesson: Express Routes Code Challenges
|—-Quiz: Express Routes Quiz
|—-Lesson: Middleware
|—-Lesson: Router Parameters
|—-Lesson: Express Middleware Code challenges
|—-Quiz: Middleware Quiz
|—-Introduction to Kotlin
|—-Lesson: Introduction to Kotlin
|—-Quiz: Introduction to Kotlin
|—-Article: From editor to output
|—-Project: ASCII Art
|—-Data Types & Variables
|—-Lesson: Data Types & variables
|—-Lesson: Using Text Variables
|—-Lesson: Using Number Variables
|—-Article: Variables
|—-Project: Mad Libs
|—-Project: Math Magic
|—-Conditional Expressions
|—-Lesson: Conditional Expressions
|—-Article: Conditional Expressions
|—-Project: Self-Grading Quiz
|—-Article: Lists
|—-Article: Sets
|—-Article: Maps
|—-Quiz: Collections
|—-Project: Animal Sanctuary
|—-Lesson: Loops
|—-Article: Loops
|—-Project: Shape Maker
|—-Lesson: Functions
|—-Quiz: Functions
|—-Project: DIY Functions
|—-Article: Recursion
|—-Lesson: Classes
|—-Quiz: Classes
|—-Project: Codey’s Calculator